How to Contact Brain Balance

Brain Balance of Summit is located in Summit NJ at 33 Union Place (on the 2nd floor) 07901.
If you have any questions you can contact us at:
(908) 517-1101

This is a blog managed by the Brain Balance of Summit Staff.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Who we are: Brain Balance Achievement Center

Brain Balance Achievement Center is a multi-modal, non-medical approach that addresses the root cause of behavioral, academic, and social challenges.Our program is based on the work of Dr. Robert Melillo, who has been working with children with neuro-developmental issues for 20 years. Not only is he a ground-breaking neurologist, but he is also the best-selling author of both Disconnected Kids and Reconnected Kids. Based on his research we focus on the underlying "functional disconnection". Functional Disconnection is an imbalance in the connections and functions between and within the hemispheres of your child's brain. When a child has a functional disconnection, information is not allowed to be processed the way it should be, creating a complexity of hemispheric weaknesses. Our goal is to correct the imbalance by stimulating the weaker hemisphere to achieve inter-hemispheric communication, improve functionality, and lay the groundwork for future development. 
To gain a full understanding of your child’s functional disconnection we must first "meet your child where they are." This means that we want to find out at what level your child is working, so we can build upon that. We can not ask an 8 year old to read a word problem and then do the multiplication to find the answer before that 8 year old can first master reading comprehension.  And we cannot ask that same 8 year old to successfully ride a bike, if we don't first figure out if they can feel how their body is in space, so that they can maintain the balance and synchronization that they need to ride down the block. 
In order to do this, we must first conduct a 2 part comprehensive assessment of your child's brain and body function. Your child will first partake in a 2 hour sensory motor evaluation, and then come in and participate in a 2 hour cognitive evaluation. After that we will schedule for you to meet with our center director to discuss the strength and weaknesses that your child displays. Then, by integrating physical and cognitive exercises we are able to correct the underlying imbalance, improve function, and reduce/eliminate negative behaviors. 
Brain Balance also integrates a comprehensive nutrition component to the program. The brain and gut are directly connected, which means that when a child has a deficit in one of their hemispheres, they consequently have a deficit in their stomach. This deficit causes "leaky gut." Leaky gut, in short, allows what the child is eating to leak into the body and cause inflammation. That inflammation, caused by food sensitivities, then manifests itself in negative outward behaviors. To address this all of our children are required to have blood drawn in order for it to be tested for food sensitivities. The nutrition coach then works very closely with each family to help them develop a individualized elimination diet for their child.
Brain Balance believes that the brain can change it's self. Once we understand where your child is coming fromwe can then custom design physical and cognitive activity plans and easy-to-follow dietary guidelines to establish proper connections and improve rhythm and timing. This multifaceted approach helps your child achieve optimum body and brain function.

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