How to Contact Brain Balance

Brain Balance of Summit is located in Summit NJ at 33 Union Place (on the 2nd floor) 07901.
If you have any questions you can contact us at:
(908) 517-1101

This is a blog managed by the Brain Balance of Summit Staff.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A Happy Family!

Today at Brain Balance of Summit we received a heartwarming testimonial, from a very happy family. Their son, was one of the first kids through the door when we opened last summer, and since then he has only flourished! This young man and his family took what Brain Balance gave them and really emulated a star student! They rarely missed a session, they were diligent with doing their home exercises, and they were all troopers when it came to the specialized elimination diet. We could not be PROUDER of this graduate! Please read along to see what this mom has to say about her son's sessions with us.

"Nicholas was a healthy 9 year-old boy the March he was injured. That night he began making noises that I assumed were a soothing mechanism. Within a few days he sounded like a car horn. It was at that point that Tourette’s S
yndrome became all too familiar to me. In June of 2011, he was officially diagnosed. Within a week, I saw an ad for Brain Balance Centers in a magazine. I mentioned it to him, and he was all for trying it. In August 2011, he began his first program term. By the time the 12 weeks were up in November, Nicholas had made great improvements in regards to the exhibiting of tics, as well as improved confidence and socialization.
Because tics have been known to peek during the middle school years, we decided to enroll him in a second session to try to “get ahead of the game.” At that time, Nicholas was only exhibiting some mild grunting, unnoticeable to others around him. In March 2012, he began his second program term at Brain Balance. Throughout this session he continued to improve functionally, as well as socially. He also continued to perform well in school.
During a class game on his second day of school this year – new school, new classmates, new teachers – Nicholas told his class something unique about himself: he has Tourette’s Syndrome. He did this on his own, his decision, his way. It was a huge difference from me having to be in the room the prior year and explaining it to his classmates while he sat quietly next to me, looking down. His confidence had grown over the year in that he wasn’t ashamed of having Tourette’s and wasn’t letting it get in his way. I had tears in my eyes when he told me after school. Tears, because this disorder is not my friend, but also because my little boy has accepted this disorder into his life and he is giving it his all to overcome it. That has been our philosophy since day one – this is not going to stop him from doing anything that he wants to do.
For any parent who sees the ad for Brain Balance and thinks it’s going to be a quick & easy fix: I’m telling you that you’re wrong. It is not going to be easy. What it is going to be is an intense 12 weeks for you & your child. The home exercises need to be done to enhance the program; the music needs to be listened to; the elimination diet needs to be followed without cheating; the positive reinforcement needs to be there; the patience needs to be there; your child needs to see that you believe in this program. The progress may be slow in the beginning but then all of a sudden you will blink and see that positive changes have been made right before your eyes. Your child will balk at the idea of the elimination diet (you may, too – you need to get creative!), but the differences you may see as a result of it all will be your reward. Quick, easy – not at all – but so worth it.
We enrolled my son in two 12 week sessions because we saw such a positive change and knew that there was room for more growth & development. We took the challenge full force both times, had the blood work done again as our choice and followed through with the elimination diet again as our choice. Yes, it was tough. Yes, he fought going to the sessions at times because he wanted free time. Yes, he cried at times during the elimination diets. Yes, it was worth it. Yes, I would do it again.
Looking back at our time with our Brain Balance family, I am so happy that we gave the program a chance. It has made such a positive impact on Nicholas. As of today, he is ‘tic free’ with the exception of the pencil twirling that is just sticking with him and some very seldom, random noises – but I’ll take it! He is still the same happy child that walked into the program making noises, but he walked out with the confidence to speak about Tourette Syndrome for himself and continue his journey to overcome it.
The staff in the Summit Center has been so amazing from that first day we walked into their office. The support from each and every one of them as Nicholas gained success was genuine and unconditional. Once he was there, he enjoyed his sessions and built a relationship with each one of them throughout our 24 weeks with them. Nicholas finished the program months ago, yet their support is still there if I need it. It’s a great feeling to know they are vested in each and every child who walks through their door."

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

End-of-Year Promotion

It is snowing again here at Brain Balance of Summit! Just a reminder that the end of the year is fast approaching! With the holiday right around the corner and the kids counting down the days to their coveted days off, what better time to save a few bucks and start your child's new year off with a bang!
Brain Balance of Summit is offering to any family that gets their child evaluated and signed up for our program a $500 discount! To learn more about our program and to inquire about the promotion contact us at (908) 517-1101. Also we will be having an Open House on December 5th at 6:30 PM, so feel free to join us to learn even more about our program!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Friendly Reminder

Today, is the day before Dr. Melillo comes! The Brain Balance of Summit staff is all busy finishing up last minuet details. We all know how busy we have been over the past few days and weeks, so we just wanted to remind you about the three amazing opportunities that you have this week to meet and greet with Dr. Melillo: 

Dr. Melillo has been working with children with neurodevelopmental disorders for the last 20 years.  His long-held belief that such disorders are the result of uneven brain connectivity (known as a functional disconnection in the brain) has been borne out in extensive independent research, and thousands of children have been helped by his methods of using natural means of exercise, sensory stimulation, cognitive stimulation and dietary change to strengthen neural pathways and improve behavior, socialization, and academic skills.  Dr. Melillo has lectured extensively around the world on neurology and neurodevelopmental disorders, has authored multiple books on neurodevelopmental disorders in children (including Disconnected Kids, Reconnected Kids and his new book, Autism: The Scientific Truth About Preventing, Diagnosing and Treating Autism Spectrum Disorders And What Parents Can Do Now, which is being published by Penguin Books and due out at the beginning of 2013), and is shortly to start co-sponsored research with Harvard University neurologists.   

Everyone is invited to attend Dr. Melillo's speaking events:

An Invitation to Meet 
Dr. Robert Melillo 
Ground-breaking Neurologist
Pioneer in Childhood Neurodevelopmental Disorders
NY Times Best-Selling Author
Founder of Brain Balance Achievement Centers
 Tuesday, November 13
10:30am: Book Signing Event
 Barnes & Noble Bookstore – Livingston Mall, 112 Eisenhower Parkway, Livingston, NJ 07039
7:00pm: Free Lecture for Parents & Professionals
Summit High School Auditorium, 125 Kent Place Boulevard, Summit, NJ 07901    
Wednesday, November 14
10:30am: Book Signing Event
[words] Bookstore, 179 Maplewood Avenue, Maplewood, NJ 07040

We hope to see you there! RSVP to (908) 517-1101

Thursday, November 8, 2012

First Snow of the Season

On the heels of Hurricane Sandy, I am sure that many of you are just as shocked as Brain Balance of Summit is to have received all of this snow yesterday! In Summit we got anywhere from 4-6 inches! All of this weather has caused a lot of our families to be stuck at home and unable to come to sessions! In light of that we just wanted to reiterate that even though we are encouraging all of our families to be diligent with their home exercises that there is always time for fun!
Winter time is tough for a lot of our kids because it is hard to get outside - it's either too cold, or too dark. But Brain Balance of Summit is here to tell you that we should capitalize on those impromptu snow storms and to work and play outside!

Building snow men requires following direction, planning, core strength, and fires those mirror neurons!
A snow ball fight causes little ones to use their fine motor skills, eye muscle coordination and upper body strength!
Snow angels are not just for decoration any more! They actually stimulate a primitive reflex that a lot of our children still display, and by strengthen it, it helps our children sit still! So bring on the snow angels!
Ice skating builds balance and synchronization as well as coordination and core strength.
Shoveling and cleaning off the car works both the core and upper body. So don't be afraid to put those kids to work!

There are so many fun things to do outside in the snow and who would have thought that it could actually be benefiting our children other than getting them outside and away from the video games!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Schedule of Events: Dr. Robert Melillo


Dr. Melillo in Summit NJ
11/13 & 11/14


Please join us the 13th and 14th of November as Brain Balance of Summit hosts 3 different events with Dr. Melillo. Details below.
RSVP for all events to:
(908) 517-1101 or

Book Signing Event: Disconnected Kids

Where: Barnes and Noble – Livingston Mall
When: 10:30am 11/13
Address: 112 Eisenhower Parkway, Livingston, NJ 07039

Free Lecture for Parents and Professionals

Where: Summit High School Auditorium
When: 7:00pm 11/13
Address: 125 Kent Place Boulevard, Summit, NJ 07901

Book Signing Event: Disconnected Kids

Where: [words] Bookstore
When: 10:30am 11/14
Address: 179 Maplewood Avenue, Maplewood, NJ 07040