How to Contact Brain Balance

Brain Balance of Summit is located in Summit NJ at 33 Union Place (on the 2nd floor) 07901.
If you have any questions you can contact us at:
(908) 517-1101

This is a blog managed by the Brain Balance of Summit Staff.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Sandy Can't Stop Us

The Brain Balance Center is alive and well. We did not sustain any damage and maintained power throughout the storm. Our beautiful City of Summit was not as fortunate. Most of our surrounding neighbors are still without power, and the line is out the door for our building mate Dunkin' Donuts. We are keeping all of our families and friends in our thoughts, and we hope that everyone has a warm, safe place to be.

In the mean time! Here are some fun games/things that can be played while the power is out. These games will work on your child's fine motor skills, strategy, turn taking, multi-step rule following, and more. As a plus these games are fun! The whole family can enjoy them, and your child won't even know that they are doing more than having fun!

Here are some ideas:

·        Playing with LEGOs (the small ones)
·        Chinese Checkers (using marbles)
·        Kerplunk
·        Traffic Jam
·        Jenga
·        Operation
·        Molding and rolling play dough into balls
·        Bed Bugs the game (using tweezers to pick up tiny plastic bugs)
·        Playing with finger puppets
·        Lacing and sewing activities such as stringing beads, Cheerios, macaroni, etc.
·        Turning over cards, coins, checkers, or buttons, without bringing them to the edge of the table.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

An Invitation: Come Meet our Founder Dr. Robert Melillo

Our founder, Dr. Robert Melillo, will be visiting Brain Balance of Summit to celebrate our one year anniversary!

Dr. Melillo is recognized as a ground-breaking neurologist, a pioneer in childhood neurodevelopmental disorders, and a NY Times best-selling author. He will be visiting Brain Balance of Summit November 13th and 14th. During that time we would like to invite anyone who is interested to hear Dr. Melillo speak at a free lecture as well as get a chance to meet him briefly and get your copy of Disconnected Kids or Reconnected Kids signed! Details about all the events that Dr. Melillo and Brain Balance of Summit will be hosting will be below.

Events Schedule:

Tuesday, November 13th
  • Book Signing Event - Barnes & Noble
    • When: November 13th, 2012 @ 10:30am
    • Where: Livingston Mall - 112 Eisenhower Parkway, Livingston, NJ 07039
    • Please RSVP: (908) 517-1101 or
  • Free Lecture for Parents and Professionals
    • When: November 13th, 2012 @ 7:00pm
    • Where: Summit High School Auditorium - 125 Kent Place Boulevard, Summit, NJ 07901
    • Please RSVP: (908) 517-1101 or
Wednesday, November 14th
  • Book Signing Event - [words] Bookstore
  • When: November 14th, 2012 @ 10:30am
  • Where: 179 Maplewood Avenue, Maplewood, NJ 07040 
  • Please RSVP: (908) 517-1101 or
Still more events to come so keep checking back!
If you are interested in joining our mailing list and being notified immediately when specials and events are going on, please click subscribe in the upper left hand corner.

If you have any questions or concerns about the events please do not hesitate to contact us at (908) 517-1101 or

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Below please find three testimonials from very happy parents of Brain Balance of Summit graduates! 
We are so proud of each and every one of our graduates, and we wish them all the best of luck! 

1. Our first young man, came to us about a year ago. He brought a smile to each one of our faces, and his hard work and determination was an inspiration to all of us:
Joseph is a sweet, very active 10 year-old boy. Joseph was diagnosed with Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAP), and he had difficulty focusing and attending in the classroom. It wasn’t until the summer going into the 4th grade that I noticed his auditory processing was getting in the way of his keeping up with conversations among his peers. It was heartbreaking for me to watch him and know he wanted to contribute, but just couldn’t get the words together in time. I knew I had to do something, and more tutors were just not the answer. We needed to make a change from within.

We were referred to Brain Balance (BB) by a fellow soccer mom. We used to share our concerns for our boys sideline every Saturday, and when she enrolled her son, I began to learn more about BB. My curiosity was peaked: After reading extensively about BB we decided to have our son, Joseph, tested. The test validated many issues and behaviors and actually made a lot of sense in terms of why Joseph would react to certain situations. As it turned out Joseph was holding onto many primitive reflexes.
We enrolled Joseph with the main goal of improving his oral expression, ability to focus and attend in the classroom, and his reading comprehension. At first, the program was very daunting, but as my mother always said, “you eat an elephant piece by piece,” and we did. We embraced all the demands and routines immediately as there was no time to waste if we wanted to get the most out of this program. Within two weeks, we had our routine down: we did exactly what was recommended as far as exercises, class attendance and diet. Oddly enough, I thought Joseph would give me a problem going to sessions 3 times/wk, but he loved it! I always got an “Awesome!” when I asked, “How was your session?” He loved each instructor, and they really seemed to keep the kids engaged and motivated.
We started seeing positive and negative changes a third of the way through the program. One big positive change was that Joseph started asking more questions about everything, almost like a switch was turned on and he began to notice his surroundings in a whole new way. His teachers noticed a better focused Joseph, and his eye contact was improving. As we had been warned, there was also some regressive behavior (the negative) that was very evident and persistent for a good 4-5 weeks. He became argumentative and obstinate as if he was revisiting his terrible 3’s. We weren’t too worried as we were advised to hang in there while his right hemisphere was actually playing catch up with the other side, and it eventually did. Since Joseph has completed the program he has achieved increased focus and attention in class and at home, is better able to follow written directions, his eye contact is fantastic, his oral expression has greatly improved, and he increased multiple grade levels in areas more specific such as math and reading. He is also more willing to share his experiences with other adults and friends and isn’t as shy. Although we were not looking for increased athletic ability, his hand eye coordination and balance have greatly improved.
It is too difficult to pick just one, single-most-important change because there are so many. However, I would say it is Joseph’s overall awareness of where he is and his ability to follow the conversation or topic in the room. In the past he would either drift off or simply walk away as it was too overwhelming. Now he get’s it! We can really see he is following the conversation and shows sincere interest.
The best advice I could give anyone considering the program: it is a lot of work, but do exactly what is recommended for your child. There are no excuses for 12 weeks: do the exercises, don’t cheat (you are only cheating your child), stick with it and you will see the results. It really works. This is one of those many commitments in life that truly is you only get out of what you put in. Remember, it’s only 12 weeks! I remember our last session riding up the mountain to Summit and Joseph said “Wow I can’t believe this our last time, this went really fast!” As parents, we will do anything to help our children, and this program pushes the limit, but the reward is priceless.
We got so lucky to find such a great program that works, but we also were very fortunate to work with Betsy and her very professional staff. Betsy’s thorough knowledge and experience was always a great source of support. Erin who runs the office was always pleasant and knowledgeable and if she didn’t know the answer she would always get back to me in a timely manner. Sara Ann and Chrissy are wonderful educators who were tough but kind and supportive and always motivating Joseph to try harder. Lastly, Casey went over the top to help with Joseph’s elimination diet, and my endless nutrition questions. She was always suggesting new foods or web sites and couldn’t have been more supportive. Overall, it was very obvious the Summit Brain Balance staff truly cares for their students and they were integral in Joseph’s success at Brain Balance.

2. Our next young man came to us over the summer. He traveled a very long way to see us three times a week. We are so proud of the success that he was able to achieve:

My son was an easy-going loving boy until he turned 3.  Then something changed. He couldn’t stay still and would get very aggressive and abusive.  We started getting phone calls from school. That’s when we started looking for a reason and a solution. A Psychologist evaluation, occupational therapist evaluation, neurologist evaluation, the list is never ending. By the time he turned 7, we finally got an ADHD and Sensory Disorder diagnosis. When I was browsing the bookstore, I came across “Disconnected Kids”. I read the first 10 pages in the store, went home, found the closest Brain Balance Center to us and called them.  We started the program 2 months later. Can I say he’s a completely different child now that he’s done with the program- no, he’s not. But the small changes that happened throughout the program are amazing. 

The child, who would only eat one meal a day, forcefully, because he was never hungry, now eats 3-4 times a day. He experiments with his food, and eats foods I never thought he would touch.  

The child, who never liked to be hugged or kissed (couldn’t stand the skin to skin contact), now hugs and kisses me every day.

The child, who used to have tantrums because he couldn’t get what he wanted, now rationalizes, and asks me what he can do to earn what he wants.

The child, who I used to spend 2 hours trying to catch so he could do his homework, now comes home and sits down to do his homework all by himself.

This is just a small portion of the changes we see. If you look at each change separately- it doesn’t look like a big deal, but all of them together have made our life so much easier. Now I have a mature 8-year old boy, who I can have full and interesting conversations with, who understands his responsibilities, and follows through with his promises.

The Summit Brain Balance Center has people who really care about your child and kids feel that. My son loved going there, and not once complained that he wouldn’t go.  Would I do it again, now that I see the results? In a heartbeat.

3. Our third testimonial is from one of our few young ladies that have gone through this program. She worked so hard, and in the end left with an amazing experience:

Our daughter “Sam” had been suffering with a multitude of issues from a very young age that were getting worse and worse with each passing year – severe anxiety, phobias, frequent temper tantrums, poor eating and sleeping habits, sensory issues, and learning disabilities.  In the fall of 2009, she began pulling out her eyelashes at the age of seven, and we began a three-year journey into a disorder called trichotillomania.

We sought help for our daughter from numerous health care professionals such as psychologists, social workers, neurologists, and psychiatrists, trying cognitive behavioral therapy, habit reversal training, and ultimately, medication.  They all kept saying, “it’s anxiety…” but we felt it was deeper-rooted than that.  Anxiety lived inside something else going on in her brain. 

I read a lot of information online and came across Dr. Melillo’s book, Disconnected Kids.  It caught my eye as a revolutionary new approach to treating kids with emotional, social, and academic problems – all issues we were dealing with! At that time, I put the book aside and continued conventional measures, but still saw no real improvement.  After a meeting with her IEP team last spring, after a year of her being pulled out to a resource room for her learning disabilities, we decided we needed a new plan. 

After seeing an add in a Kid’s Guide booklet in my pediatrician’s office for the Brain Balance Center in Summit, I was brought back to a feeling that Dr. Melillo’s approach might be the answer we were looking for.  The owner, Betsy, and her staff of coaches there were so knowledgeable and supportive.  Everything made sense – we were impressed with the testing process and the in-depth individualized instruction we received there.

Most importantly, Samantha thrived with each passing week!  She became more focused, calm, and confident.  At some point during the course of the program, it was like a light switched on and eyelashes began to come in!  By the end of the program, the eyelashes are fully grown in, and we have not seen any evidence of the trichotillomania returning.  We had tried everything before, and have no other explanation than that Brain Balance works!  We now have a confident, thriving, ten-year-old daughter. As in all parts of life, there is always room for improvement, but we have to say that Brain Balance changed our family’s life and we are forever grateful. 


Who we are: Brain Balance Achievement Center

Brain Balance Achievement Center is a multi-modal, non-medical approach that addresses the root cause of behavioral, academic, and social challenges.Our program is based on the work of Dr. Robert Melillo, who has been working with children with neuro-developmental issues for 20 years. Not only is he a ground-breaking neurologist, but he is also the best-selling author of both Disconnected Kids and Reconnected Kids. Based on his research we focus on the underlying "functional disconnection". Functional Disconnection is an imbalance in the connections and functions between and within the hemispheres of your child's brain. When a child has a functional disconnection, information is not allowed to be processed the way it should be, creating a complexity of hemispheric weaknesses. Our goal is to correct the imbalance by stimulating the weaker hemisphere to achieve inter-hemispheric communication, improve functionality, and lay the groundwork for future development. 
To gain a full understanding of your child’s functional disconnection we must first "meet your child where they are." This means that we want to find out at what level your child is working, so we can build upon that. We can not ask an 8 year old to read a word problem and then do the multiplication to find the answer before that 8 year old can first master reading comprehension.  And we cannot ask that same 8 year old to successfully ride a bike, if we don't first figure out if they can feel how their body is in space, so that they can maintain the balance and synchronization that they need to ride down the block. 
In order to do this, we must first conduct a 2 part comprehensive assessment of your child's brain and body function. Your child will first partake in a 2 hour sensory motor evaluation, and then come in and participate in a 2 hour cognitive evaluation. After that we will schedule for you to meet with our center director to discuss the strength and weaknesses that your child displays. Then, by integrating physical and cognitive exercises we are able to correct the underlying imbalance, improve function, and reduce/eliminate negative behaviors. 
Brain Balance also integrates a comprehensive nutrition component to the program. The brain and gut are directly connected, which means that when a child has a deficit in one of their hemispheres, they consequently have a deficit in their stomach. This deficit causes "leaky gut." Leaky gut, in short, allows what the child is eating to leak into the body and cause inflammation. That inflammation, caused by food sensitivities, then manifests itself in negative outward behaviors. To address this all of our children are required to have blood drawn in order for it to be tested for food sensitivities. The nutrition coach then works very closely with each family to help them develop a individualized elimination diet for their child.
Brain Balance believes that the brain can change it's self. Once we understand where your child is coming fromwe can then custom design physical and cognitive activity plans and easy-to-follow dietary guidelines to establish proper connections and improve rhythm and timing. This multifaceted approach helps your child achieve optimum body and brain function.