The Brain Balance Program is the most comprehensive approach to the treatment of autism, ADHD, Asperger's syndrome, dyslexia, and the host of other neurobehavioral and neuroacademic disorders.
It is a totally holistic program that has proven to achieve measurable changes in behavior and academic performance. At best, it can permanently correct these disorders -- meaning symptoms totally disappear. At least, symptoms will markedly diminish so that a child can resume or begin to function in the real world, both socially and academically.
The success of Brain Balance Program is based upon ten unique principles that we simply call The Ten Principles of Brain Balance.
1. Childhood neurobehavioral and neuroacademic disorders are actually one condition with different sets of symptoms.
Brain Balance recognizes the majority of childhood neurological conditions as one disorder, Functional Disconnection Syndrome[FDS]. Children display different symptoms depending on the part or parts of the brain affected.
2. The underlying problem is a dysfunction in either the left or the right hemisphere that puts the brain out of sync.
All human functions are distributed in either the left or the right side of the brain, not both. To function properly, however, the brain must work as a whole. Symptoms of FDS differ depending on whether the dysfunction is caused by a reduction of function on one side or an exaggeration of function on the other.
3. The problem and the dysfunctions must be accurately identified.
Brain Balance is specialized to assess, document and objectively quantify FDS though the use of state-of-the-art testing in specific areas of function.
4. The only way to correct the problem is to fix the imbalance, not treat the symptoms.
Fix the functional imbalance and the symptoms go away. Treat the symptoms with medication -- the current and most popular approach -- and brain function will never improve. Symptoms will return as soon as the medication wears off.
5. All functional problems in the brain must be addressed individually.
If all the dysfunctions in the brain are not corrected, the symptoms will return and the problem will continue. Each function must be addressed one at a time.
6. Success is achievable through a hemispheric-based program.
The only way to correct the imbalance is to stimulate the side of the brain that is out of balance without directly affecting the other side. Brain Balance uses a three-pronged program that includes sensory motor, academic exercises [with behavioral techniques] and a nutrition program.
7. Same Time Integration gets the brain back in sync.
The Brain Balance Program addresses each impaired function individually at first and gradually integrates exercises to achieve balance in the timing and rhythm between the left and the right sides of the brain. Same Time Integration incorporates all modalities simultaneously within the same time frame to get the left and the right brains working in synchronization.
8. The brain and body must grow together.
Brain Balance is based on new science that shows that if the body is out of balance, the brain is out of balance, and vice versa to an equal degree.
9. The problems are not primarily genetic and are therefore permanently correctable.
Brain Balance is based on the scientifically backed belief that the various symptoms of FDS are primarily the result of environmental factors. Genetic predisposition is the result of environmental factors that only alter the way a gene or genes are expressed. In other words, genes are not destiny.
10. Parents play a crucial role in a child's individual success.
Parents have the power to achieve success using the Melillo At-Home Brain Balance Program. To this end, they must be motivated and fully involved in the motivation of their child to complete the required tasks. Correcting a behavior and/or learning disability through professional guidance and school involvement alone is not enough. However, using them in conjunction with the program can be a great help to parents and can even help enhance results.
Change Your Child's Developmental Trajectory -- call your nearest Brain Balance Center today to schedule an Assessment for your child.
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