How to Contact Brain Balance

Brain Balance of Summit is located in Summit NJ at 33 Union Place (on the 2nd floor) 07901.
If you have any questions you can contact us at:
(908) 517-1101

This is a blog managed by the Brain Balance of Summit Staff.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Monday, December 3, 2012

A Side by Side Comparison

Here at Brain Balance of Summit, we take the nutrition component of the program very seriously. All of our children have to take a comprehensive blood test to determine their food sensitivities. Food sensitivities are a product of the functional disconnection that we are addressing here at the center. Since the children coming to us have a functional disconnection between the hemispheres in their brain, they consequently have a deficit in their stomach. This deficit allows for food particles to leak out of the stomach and cause negative reactions, ranging from the inability to focus, skin conditions, digestive issues, and so much more. We address this deficit by creating a specific diet for each one of our children based on the results of their food sensitivities test. 
Even though the diets can sometimes be daunting we always find fun ways to motivate our children. We have a fun food chart, that helps the children visualize the goal that they have to keep in order to maintain the elimination diet, and we even have a one year old hamburger that teaches the kids that real food rots (pictures below)! 
The diet is important to the overall success of the program, and even though it can be tough at times, families are so happy to see the fabulous results that their child is able to achieve! 

The pictures below are of our one year old hamburgers! The picture on the left is one that our center director made out of all natural ingredients. The picture on the right is of a hamburger that we picked up from a fast food restaurant. You can see how the real hamburger, that our center director made, has been disintegrating for the past year. While our friend on the right, from the fast food place, has kept its good looks. Lesson learned? Real food rots. And to quote from one of my favorite books Food Rules written by Michael Pollan "Eat only foods that will eventually rot," "It's not food if it arrived through the window of your car," and "It's not food if it's called by the same name in every language (Think Big Mac, Cheetos, or Pringles)."  

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